Wednesday, July 29, 2009

(500) Days of Summer (and Table Tennis)

Today, Paul and I went to UTC (University Town Center) in Irvine and saw (500) Days of Summer, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. Paul had already seen it on Monday with another friend of his, but he had agreed to go again today since I had wanted to see this movie also. Contrary to his opinion of the movie, I enjoyed it a lot. It made me pensive about a lot of things. I like movies that make me think about my own life.

Anyway, onto a more silly topic. Since Paul had already seen the movie and didn't particularly like it, he brought his knitting stuff and he knitted during the entire movie! Props for knitting in the dark. =p

Look how intense his face is! So concentrated on knitting! Haha.

That was my afternoon. In the evening I went to play table tennis with my dad at the Long Beach Table Tennis Club, our usual activity Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. I played two really good matches and got a good work out! ^^

Monday, July 27, 2009


Guess who's back, back again?

So i've decided to revive this blog. I have also decided to alter the theme a bit. It won't just be random daily photos where I'm trying desperately to post a photo a day, regardless if my day consisted of anything exciting or not, but rather, it will be a blog where I can post my thoughts, ramblings, and photos, whenever I feel it necessary. I will try to have a photo with every entry, and I will try to ensure that each entry has some sort of substance, not just me posting random emo jargon. ^_^

With that said, glad to be back! Enjoy!

- Denise