Thursday, October 29, 2009

Terrible internet.

So I have plenty to blog about - new job (at Internet Brands/, new friends, small trips, fun excursions. Pictures, too!

But for now, let me show you all how crappy my internet was being just now:

10:50 pm: thisxgunforhire disconnected
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10:59 pm: now sending from: thisxgunforhire


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Berkeley Open 2009

My, oh my, it has been a while since I've posted. Don't get me wrong - I've got tons of pictures, just have been rather lazy to put them up. Number one (blogging) fault of mine.

In any case, here are a couple photos from Labor Day weekend when I went up to Berkeley, the weekend during which the Berkeley Open table tennis tournament occurred (and yes, I played!). I pretty much lived at the RSF (gym) while I was up there. o_O

My table tennis homies.

Table tennis homies @ hot pot @ Coriya.

Table tennis homie, Brian, who likes to tease me. :( Haha.

Oh, by the way, I am still too lazy to upload my own photos - these are pictures I stole off of Facebook, courtesy of Brian Taylor. :)