Monday, December 28, 2009

Internet Brands Holiday

So these are a bit overdue. The company holiday party was on Thursday, December 17. But anyway...

Meet Santa and Elf of the Web Development Team, a.k.a. Rachel and me.


And check out what I won for Best Elf.

FlickrDroid Upload

So our CEO said at our "Town Hall" meeting that there was a chance to win a Kindle, but he was mistaken. Instead, they had a Sony Reader. I wanted it, but, alas, I did not get it. They had a bunch of prizes for first place in certain categories, including a digital camera, Sony Reader, IPod, beach cruiser bicycles, etc. They raffled off the prizes to the first place winners, and, well, I ended up with the bicycle. Womp womp. The bicycle happens to be too big for me and too impractical, since I will most likely never ride it. I did, however, enjoy riding it around my section on the 11th floor. ;) Hehe. Good thing is, I believe HR will be giving me the gift receipt so I can get credit for it at Target (where they bought it).

Thanks to Kenan for the bicycle photo and Stas for the santa/elf photo.

1 comment:

ckinglam said...

the bike reminded me of the hello kitty bike